Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tailgating For Tripp!

Please join us Saturday October 22nd in the Walk Ons parking lot to tailgate for Tripp!  

For those of you who are not familiar with Tripp Roth, here is an except from his mother, Courtney's blog explaining a little bit about Tripp's disease: 

"Tripp was born on May 14, 2009. He was diagnosed with a rare genetic skin disease called "EB." Any type of friction on his skin or mucous membranes causes blisters. They told us he would not live to be a year old. Every day he amazes us by his strength. He is a fighter and with all he has been through, he has never given up. He is the strongest person I know. Tripp wakes up each morning with a smile on his face. Every day spent with him is a blessing. God has a special plan for him. I'm just blessed to be able to witness that plan."


Tripp and his family are truly amazing people.  Lets show this family what a strong community support system they have and tailgate for Tripp!  There will be a raffle for a chance to win tons of great items including a $50 gift certificate from Smocked Bebe'!!

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